Saturday, January 17, 2009

Love Channel... in response to The Miracle on the Hudson VS. (...)

I was Divinely inspired to create a blog from reading a comment that said "Fuck THAT PLANE IN THE HUDSON, WHAT ABOUT THE MASSACRE GOING ON IN THE GAZA WITH BANNED WEAPONS THAT THE US GOV'T GAVE TO ISRAEL"

nothing against this person's sentiments... but here's what came from them.
my 1st actual "blog" rather than poem

U gotta send the love out to them, don't shed negative light on a good thing just because there are bad things happening. Be conscious, stay aware, stay motivated, and positive. Send ur love to Gaza, AND the Miracle on the Hudson... to denote either is unwise.
Think good, think Divine...despite what seems to be, there is a good in everything. Although we do not forget the bad, to dwell on negative vibes, rather than use this positive surge to focus love to all of the Universe is a fault & a misstep.
Open your eyes my dear one; you are the one you've been waiting for, and your DNA is swiftly changing, your hardwired brain, reprogramming every second. Re-charge it so that your words and deeds speak the powerful YOU into existence, and not a view from an understated weak minded individual that you are not.
You hold within you, the power to see good in the whole Universe, and it is your duty to shock the world with love for all its workings, be they good or bad; because really there is neither...

I have shared your sentiments for a nano second (even if only to place myself in your shoes) and have come to the conclusion that all that is, is. We are all one, Gaza, the young brotha in Oakland, and ALL 155 survivors of the Miracle on the Hudson, that we needed to shine on in our Spirits -as positive thoughts are much more powerful than sad or angry emotions. This City, NYC, has seen and been through it all; we deserve it to allow ourselves at least one miracle. But mark my words, it won't be the last. In a flash, you will see them happening all around you, and it is neither conspiracy nor movie set, only your brain re-programming itself on a mass scale (ie: the brain of the collective consciousness of this Universe, which we share). The rigidity at which we have aligned ourselves to collectively be is opening up to the possibility of being superhuman. If you really wanted to, you could focus your love energy with a collective and change your perception on the way things are happening and why.

(Lorisse speaking now: sometimes I even think that I have to come out of my happy bubble and face the cold hard fact that evil and violence exist...)

And this statement is slowly becoming an un-truth... Evil, good, man, woman... this world of duality you've created as humans, is merging, it has shifted, and as humans collectively transcend, they will no longer need or want to experience all that is, only bliss. I say "all that is," in the sense that here we have taken the road that leads to human, where our bodies are designed to experience itself (God energy, wants to know itself, and to truly know itself it has to experience all that exists)... but if we decide that we no longer want it to exist, all we have to do is create the possibility of being all powerful, and enlightened/transcended light energies. Then, we can put an end to what goes on when in our weakened state we assume we can do nothing and that evil will always exist; I tell you dear one, evil is losing its grip on this world, and it will no longer be able to sustain itself the more minds that elevate, and the more love in the face of adversity. Please hear me well, the entire state of the Universe rests in you (or the God energy in you/all of us collectively)... and you are swiftly changing. Your are wonderful beings. If only you could see the visions of splendor we see in you when we look at you, it is truly a sight to behold. Don't fret beloved, all is right in the Universe. Namaste and Namaste from Risse as well.


Ebankster said...

I can respect your P.O.V. or "channelled vision." I cannot say, however, that I agree. I really think that often the most motivated, successful, and able to make change are ones who share your ideals. Also they are the ones watching "the bad" from home on their LCD's (myself included). I feel like it can be argued that people who have the idea that "all is right and what is, is for a reason" tend to ignore wrongs just to "focus on the good" and by doing so leave those who are more immediately related to the "bad" i.e. people IN Gaza, Palestine and the like, to deal with their own unchangeable reality. While those who have the ability to make other's worlds better merely say, to each other, from a far more comfortable circumstance "lets not focus on that lets look at this over here because this is prettier"

I can feel you on the lets make the world better by focusing on "good" vibes deal. But, I, for SURE, am hearing you blogger X on his "FUCK the plane in the water" tip. I mean it's been on the news for a WHILE. I work with an airline everyday. I'm up close and personal with the exact plan that landed in the river. The A320 (it's our flagship plane). I can tell you that what that pilot did was NOT as remarkable as it sounds. It's very closely comparable to me, an adult male with a reasonable amount of driving experience driving and driving over a patch of ice on a road with no cars or obstructions and going off road in a small ditch. I would simply call a tow truck and be pulled out. But it wouldn't be something that would hail a hero's homecoming. Although it would be great that everyone came out ok. That is true in this case. It's GREAT that everyone came out ok. However, I'm sure that most pilots with reasonable experience and a plane in well maintained condition could do the same on any given day with very similar out comes.

In closing, NY is a great city! Go Yankee's! FUCK the Philadelphia Eagles! and You look hot in your profile pic.

That is all. . . Good night :-)

Pardon the typo's, I'm using and PC and quite frankly have gotten sick of this NON-Mac computer. . .

Risse Alicia said...

1. Before I continue reading ur comment, I never said I ignored the wrong/bad that people do. We should not allow it to persist... but if we don't have the means to prevent it, what is worse? Encouraging others to stay positive, and do what you can to spread the message of hope and love?
Or simply get angry with the good that does exists because it distracts us from the bad? Why overshadow good feelings and positive waves of energy with angry or frustrated thoughts or emotions...
Love is way more powerful, and way more proactive. I've had my time to let the emotions run through me, affect me, sadden me, burden me... and I have decided that love is my answer. Positivity is my answer. Fighting or getting angry without action is no solution, it can however propel you to the solution. For me, it propelled me to love harder, smile more, and align myself with a higher source energy, ie:meditate and pray more. And the Miracle on the Hudson gave me hope that I was on the right track...

Wether it works for you or anyone else is up for debate I guess...

...and now I'll continue reading your comment. Lol.


Risse Alicia said...

Okay. :] Yay. Go Yankees and such, lol, xoxo!

Risse Alicia said...

PS. They've withdrawn the troops in Gaza as of yesterday.