Sunday, November 23, 2008

2 Meditation Poems

Running in the grassy field
Birds fly overhead
Cheers in the distance
A child’s laugh
The friends we make
The fun times we have
These are the memories that last a lifetime
A moth flutters in the wind
Out of breath from running?
Nobody could beat you?
Trees blowing in the wind
Tall grass bent over
Re-creating, of one’s mind
The time spent here
The games played there
A child’s mind advancing to a higher level
The support of superior authority figures
The lessons you teach
May never be learned
Unless your actions
Coincide with your words
The Age of Innocence
A child’s worry free thinking
And the one that sometimes stands out,
Or doesn’t want to, Why not?
What do you want to do? Why don’t you want to play?
Everybody’s free! FREE!
Free you mind, body, and soul
Let’s go!
Clear… Blue… Sky!
Let’s Fly!
Fresh air!
Natural High!
Cool… Calm… Collect… Chill
Relax, Re-e-e-e-la-a-a-ax!


I would invite you to close your eyes for this if you so wish, and to hold your applause so people can open their eyes at their own leisure.

Cool summer, bright colors.
Water streaming down a bed of rocks
Kick off your socks
The hands of the trees bend down to greet the people they meet
A baby coos at his older sister lowing bubble around him
A couple chats in a mom and pop coffee shop
A woman smiles as a gentle breeze combs through her hair
And the sun smiles back at her
Think about nothing for 10 minutes a day
Free your mind, and allow yourself to clear your conscience, and just think about absolutely nothing
No worries
Don’t worry
Here let me help you
Clear your mind
Clear blue skies
Hush your cries
Close your eyes
Take it E-E-A-S-Y-Y
Breathe deeply
Calm your nerves
Sweet November night, just right
Be still… still… you’re still here
And nowhere
Becoming nothing
And everything
Listening to your pulse
And feeling your torso expand as you breathe
(Slowly inhale, then slowly exhale audibly)
Warn Autumn
Cool Colors
Leaves blowing off branches
Kick them around
High off the ground
It’s frozen and makes a crunchy sound on the soles of your shoes
Like the first bite of an apple
And refreshing like the last gulp of a good drink of water or juice
Mmmmmmmmm, Do you smell that? Mmmm…
What is that?
It remind you of something
Something you liked as a kid
Fresh baked cookies, and freshly brewed coffee
Your mom’s scent
That shampoo they don’t make anymore
Serendipity’s hot chocolate
Home cooking
Pop corn, freshly popped
New sneakers
shhhhhhh… listen… you hear that?
It’s food sizzling in a frying pan
It’s the ice cream man!
Shhhhhh… it’s thundering, God’s talking
The wind is whis-per-ing to-your-ear
It’s the can you just opened
It’s a baby laughing
It’s the new book you bought, and just opened
And you feel that tingly feeling of goodness all around you, even if just for a moment
And you don’t know why
But you’re smiling to yourself
And that’s okay
Cuz you took 10 minutes to think about nothing,
And you had a great day

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very relaxing...Classic. Snapping my fingers.