Friday, June 17, 2011

Touching hands with strangers (first edition)

I never liked touching hands with strangers
Since being an adult I have felt more freedom about being vocal about it without seeming disrespectful
It is an invasion of space similar to touching my hair
Especially if you do it without my permission
But by shaking your hand I have given you permission to transfer your energy to me, and if I do not know you I'm not sure I'll be comfortable with that
Think about it, when we love, we hold hands with the person we love
You are on the same wavelength and don't mind transferring energies between each other
As a relationship shifts, perhaps hands are held less, perhaps there is less of an inclination to hold hands, and rather claim your own space
It is nice to meet you perhaps, but for some reason I prefer a pound out even a hug and kiss on the cheek depending on the vibe I get from a new person
I'd rather acknowledge the Light or God-being in you and bow than touch your hand with mine
Perhaps as a sentient being I wish to patrol the waters of approaching energies, scanning them and questioning them before allowing them to pass through me.
It is a sign of good faith to allow willingly your hand to touch mine
And my faith lies less in a stranger's hand and more in the stranger's heart.
I believe you are a good person, a being of light, clean, and kind in nature, but it us hard for me to trust all the energies your hands have touched, and if I sense them before touching you it can be overwhelming, and I won't touch you...your hands.
Hands are powerful. Hands store mass amounts of energy. Hands can heal. Hands can create. Hands...
Your hands
Will not touch mine