Friday, December 14, 2012


Because babies should never have to hold hands and scrimmage
To exit a school building while they shut their eyes from the carnage
Because I never got to meet my brother's brother, his life lost cuz of his surrounding streets
Because even that beautiful sunset sky can look grey on a day like today
Because fear in in the eyes of children should never be there in the first place
Because she shouldn't have to hide her face; so runs home like it's a race; and he still calls her a disgrace...
Because danger comes around, without warning, without sound, unannounced
I say my prayers out loud.
And I'm not a preacher
And this is not a revival
But nowadays Church is in the wild
So if you never got on your knees to pray
Or even said, Wassup God? Or, Hey!
I think a good time for that would be today
No matter where your spirituality stays
Cuz I've seen atheists meditate and Holy people eradicate entire races
So please send love and gratitude from where you stand,
Cuz you still have your arms to hug, and you still have your hands to hold hands.
Send peaceful energy too.
Especially to people with attitudes who are not in the mood
Cuz you never know of whom they may have thought to shoot
But there is nothing that can justify all the babies and parents that cried
Hiding their eyes as they walked by the carnage today
They say be kind to unkind people, for they may need it the most
And I didn't know this guy, but what possessed him to do this, was no heavenly host
It isn't fair.
It isn't right.
It should be engraved entwined in our DNA.
But because it's not for some here and there,
I implore you to speak to whatever higher being you feel like tonight.
Ladies and gentlemen... it's time to pray.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Reprobate Mind

(Written in 2005 for a performance at Purchase College)

My mind ain't here right now
As time goes by the minds of time wrestle with the sign of the times
What's on your mind?

Well, where is it?
My mind ain't here right
Can you read into my mind, have you seen it?
You don't know me!

It's a sign of the minds of time
When to learn is a struggle
Don't wanna go to class today
No I don't have three-thousand dollars for room and board
Thank you George Pataki and friends

Three-thousand dollars for room and board?!?!

My mom's fine, yeah family's good
No, but I made the waiting list!

You know education is the only thing that really keeps you from learning
Everything you need to learn in life you learned in Kindergarten
What was I gonna say?
Jesus was perfect. I'm not. Sue me!
Where's your head at?

School's fine Huh? Yeah I know, I'ma be 20 tomorrow.
They throwin' me a party lata' tonight at South.

I would like to announce that the problem with society is not my Bush
but yours?
And why do we worship youth in this country anyway?
Yes, why is it cute to have your nana look like it did when you were 6?

She's not 28, you know damn well she like 40!
I can't stand when people be frontin' yo!

This just in: Gangster rappers are a necessary evil
To deceive the minds of this time,
SssExploit women,
And live up to the stereotype of a youth misunderstood,
So, please, I urge you to get your mind right.

Elevating the minds of the times we fail to do.
Deceptions, oppressions, victims of a slave mentality,
Is this my reality?
My mind's tellin' me... (sung) My mind's tellin' me...
My mind's tellin' me... hmm what is my mind tellin' me?
Where's your head at?!

No you can't, save the world but you can, change the world one by one
Yes it starts with one
Each one teach one
Teach my mind
What have I learned?
Keep the toilet seat up, there's tissue in there and you got hands right?
Talk to strangers, why not?
That's how you meet people, it's called networking.
And sometimes please and thank you is implied by the tone of your voice.

Voice, voice, choice.
Yes you have a choice to have your voice be heard.
Life is like 4 (or 5 or 6 or 7 for some of you) years at Purchase:
It's really what you make of it.

It's a sign of the times to have a reprobate mind,
But this time I changed my mind.
No victim to society.
Climb that hierarchical chain,
Yes, I will play their game
'Cause in order to beat the system you gotta use the system.

I believe we need to step off this falsified ladder up,
And lead us not into stagnation.
A stagnant nation due to the youth of a stagnant nation;
Underdeveloped nations
One nation under God?
Leading to a life of eternal damnation. 

Aww do you need a hug? So what if you don't like hugs?
No I know they don't fix things but I like giving them!

What was I saying?
Yo where was my mind today?
It ain't even here right now...
Don't mind me I'm just an undergraduate.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Them Yomas be like...

I'm not dropping my panties for "yo ma"
I'm not opening my legs for "Can I talk to you for a minute"
I'm not gonna sleep with you cuz you called me beautiful.

I don't assume that's all you want, 
or that that's what you all want,
but I don't give many the benefit of the doubt, 
and that's to my benefit.
But I will say thank you, and politely decline the request.
Cuz "yo ma" is not how you get a lady's attention... attention...
I repeat yo ma is not how you my attention.

Yo ma, is not how you slow this New Yorker down on her early morning race to the train, 
or her "It's been a long day and I just want to get home without being harassed." walk after work.
What you don't know is how I'm scheming... 
You think you're scheming, but I'm the one with all the math... 
Calculating fast as I walk slow, 
trying to prolong the moment I walk passed the guys who like to harass, when I just want to go home...

"Talk to them you never know, NO! Okay just say hi and keep walking by. Say peace, smile, and walk real fast, okay Lorisse?

Don't make eye contact... Your head is too low they'll say your sad... Smile a bit, or they'll yell at you, telling you that you should smile... 
Don't smile so much, they'll think you wanna talk to them!... 
Walk faster... Cross the street... Go around the block today... 
Maybe the barber shop is closed already... Maybe it's too cold for them today... 
Thank God it's raining today, I don't have to scheme...
UGH! I hate this construction scaffold, that gives them a place to hang out in even closer proximity to me while giving them shelter from the rain...dammit!
Ok...Pretend there's something reeeeeally interesting way over there... Be very very involved in an important text... Call someone... Pretend to be on a call with someone... 
I shudda brought my headphones today... Why did I dress so nice today... 
Why don't I have a guy at my side today, like that'll stop them anyway..."

All that math gets calculated on the days I want to just unwind in the comforts of my own home hoping that the yomas would just leave me alone

Them yomas be like...Yo ma...Can I run wit'chu?...Don't ask me if you can run with me while I'm already out running, what am I gonna do, stop and wait for you to change into the running gear you clearly don't own?... By the way, I'm running for me, not to look good for you... Why is the best running gear so close to the skin?...

Yo ma... You got a man? Pick up your pants young man... And you're young enough to be my child... Or at least my little nephew or something. Why did I dress so colorful today, looking like an after school special for these kids.

Yo ma... Why you look so sad? I'm concentrating on not stepping in shit!

Olle mami, tu va casar conmigo. Ju gonna be my guife. Tu veras.
No. Negative.

Yo ma... You look tired... What kind of pick up line is that!? That's not a compliment. And I'm certainly not gonna stop and explain my face to you. I'm not tired. I'm exhausted...
With you and the the other yomas and the way you all think you should talk to me.

Yo ma... You should smile... Does that even work? That's like telling me to sneeze. It should happen naturally. Besides, you don't know me and all the math I'm calculating as I approach you, and if you did, you wouldn't be smiling either.

And you don't just go walking through the hood with a cheerful grin all day. What would I look like? My hood gait is not the same as my peace-free-loving-artsy-village-neighborhood gait. In the hood you gotta pay attention, cuz someone is always paying attention to you.

Yo ma pay attention
Attention attention
Yo ma can I talk to you
Yo ma pay attention
Can I get your attention
I really wanna talk to you
Yo ma ma yo... Do I have your attention?
I wanna put out down on you
Yo ma attention
Attention attention
Just to get some brain?
Attention attention... This just in... 
--Yoma, is now the preferred method of starting a conversation with women. In a recent study 9/10 women stopped for yoma to engage in conversation with a male. A whopping 98% of those led to casual sex! Half of those led to friends with benefits and the other half led to marriage!
Who needs e harmony when you have Yoma!
Call now for your compete set of Yoma. Whether it's early or late, it's a date with Yoma! But wait...
Call now and get double the yoma! That's one for you, and one for your home skillet. ;)
And for the first 50 callers, we'll throw in Yoma Tag Team Edition! She won't know what hit her. You and your buddies can do a group Yoma from every angle, and the ladies will love it, guaranteed or your money back!

(Written November 8th, 2012)

A Haiku Poem About Kissing New Friends

I want to kiss you
But not so I can fuck you
Or to be your girl

I want to kiss you
Perhaps to share energies
The reason's not clear

You make me feel good
And let me share my real self
Who knows what this means

But all I know is
I just want a kiss from you
And I'm not sure why

You're in my life now
I enjoy your company
Just don't hurt my heart

Keep your heart open
And I'll try to do the same
I love you, new friend

I want to kiss you
I never want to diss you
I hope you get me

I think I like you
I am sure that you like me
Here's to the future

(Written on June 21st, 2011)

To My Brother's Brother

When I heard that my brother lost a brother that I never got to meet...
Cuz there was angry gang violence, fightin'; guns in the street...
I nearly fell back, aghast
Wishing I could go back in the past
And make it so that breath wasn't his last...

But that moment never came
But his death won't be in vain
And we'll never forget his name
Edwin, your memory is our joy and pain
But I don't mind never getting the chance to hug you or share a dance
Cuz your legacy is spoken of amongst Kings
And that's when my soul agrees, that although we don't control these things
I know you're guiding and protecting our Kings those nights when too much pain makes it sting
When the thought of you leaves them crying.

So when just hearing them speak of you tugs at my heart strings,
I know it is then that we are safely wrapped in your angel wings.
And my heart sings.
Axé my brother.

(Written on November 12, 2012)