Sunday, September 1, 2013

Something in the way you

The way to my heart is  laughter, the way to my spirit is intuition, the way to my mind is having an elevated intellect,

intuition, perseverance, delicate words, kind gestures, thoughtful romance...

Laughter, mature intellect, intuition, perseverance, delicate words, kind gestures,  and thoughtful blissful moments of romance. Sweet glances, smiling hearts, hidden desires, starts and stops. Teach me something. Teach ME something. Teach me SOMETHING. You don't have to ask me if I'll scratch your back whilst still scratching mine, immerse yourself in the moment and your turn will come. Just look at me while I look at you... feel that? I do. Hugs, kisses, dreams, and cuddles. Here's to being spontaneous, hold the subtle.

(Written in 2011)

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